10 tips to teach you how to get humid-resistant straight hair
I dont know about you, but I was not blessed with model-perfect hair. Its not straight, its not curly, it doesnt respond
8 Best Kajal Eyeliner Application Techniques and Products for Beginners
Kajal eyeliner has blown up in the beauty realm in the past few years, with everyone from runway models to Youtube stars
7-Day Carb Cycling Diet Workout Plan for Beginners and Beyond
The most effective way to lose weight is to find a diet plan and workout regime that work together. A carb cycling diet
30 Days of High Blood Pressure Diet Recipes Worth Trying
High blood pressure is a serious health condition that can lead to scary health problems such as heart attack and stroke
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Sophia Green
ManagerLivecnv is a lifestyle blog packed with useful advice, recipes, and ideas. we strongly believes in a well-balanced life complete with self-care and meal prep. in my blog is where you can find recipes based on ingredients or a specific diet, but you can also learn a lot about beauty and a healthy lifestyle.