10 Natural Acne Remedies That Work


Looking for natural acne remedies to teach you how to get rid of acne (and the pimples and blackheads that come along with it) without using harsh products on your skin? We’ve got you covered. Using ingredients like coconut oil, raw honey, baking soda, apple cider vinegar, and tea tree oil, this collection of 10 DIY acne remedies will teach you how to banish acne for good using products you already have lying around the house.

Acne can be downright irritating. I’ve struggled with bad skin since I was in grade 7 and like many people, I still get zits well into my twenties. I’ve tried everything from serums to pills to charcoal masks and creams, but I’m finding that natural acne remedies are working best on my sensitive, acne-prone skin.

You’d think after almost 15 years of struggling with a certain skin problem, one would be able to find the secret to clearing their skin, but for me, the pesky blemishes have failed to disappear for good. It seems like a never-ending battle with most acne products resulting in overly dried out and increasingly irritated skin.

Luckily there are remedies from the natural world that work to not only heal acne scars and blemishes, but get at the root of the cause. They have anti-bacterial properties that cleanse the skin, as well as anti-inflammatory properties, and antioxidants that kill free radicals and encourage new skin growth.

If you have oily skin like me, the thought of using oil on your skin may make you a bit squeamish, but I’m living proof that it actually works. Coconut oil specifically has become my saving grace over the past few months. And others like olive oil and tea tree oil can work wonders for your skin.

If you have sensitive skin, always test the remedy first on small area of skin. Everyone is different and just because something works for one person doesn’t mean it will work for someone else. It’s better to be cautious when it comes to your skin, especially if you know it’s sensitive!

If acne has you feeling down and you’ve failed to find something that works for you, try one of these 10 natural acne remedies.

1. Coconut Oil

I’ve recently started using coconut oil on my skin at night and I can’t believe I didn’t start using it sooner. My face has cleared up significantly since starting it. Coconut oil has moisturizing properties, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components, which kill germs and bacteria. It also has regenerating and clarifying properties that work wonders for your complexion.

2. Baking Soda

Baking soda has been praised for its ability to reduce acne and brighten the skin. You can mix it with water to create a paste, or simply rub it into your skin like you would using face wash, and then rinse it off. Baking soda reduces redness and swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties, and its texture makes it an awesome exfoliator. It also balances the pH level of the skin, preventing the build-up of bacteria, plus it encourages new skin growth.

3. Honey

Not just good for toast, honey has a number of properties that work to remedy acne. Raw honey contains minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants called flavonoids that nourish the skin and make it glow. It also helps to clean your pores! Apply a thin layer of honey to clean, dry skin for fifteen minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

4. Tea Tree Oil & Witch Hazel

If your skin can’t handle benzol peroxide (an antibacterial ingredient found in many acne medications) tea tree oil is a great alternative. However, it can still dry out your skin, so be careful not to overuse it and try to stay out of the sun if you apply it to your face. Blend a few drops of tea tree oil with 20 to 40 drops of witch hazel to dilute it and use it one your face, one to two times a day.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric has made a name for itself as one of the best superfoods you can eat. But did you know it’s also great used topically on your skin? Make a paste with 2 tablespoons turmeric powder and ¼ cup water and apply it to your face, leaving it for five minutes. The powder is a natural antiseptic and also fades blemishes due to its skin lightening properties.

6. Oatmeal

With all of its health benefits, it’s no surprise that oatmeal is good for your skin too. You can mix it with water, honey, or an oil of your choice, and apply it to your skin for glowing results. Oatmeal boasts anti-inflammatory properties and acts as a natural exfoliant, removing dead skin cells.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has amazing healing properties. I was taught to use it on sunburns since I was young, and now, as it turns out, it can be used to heal acne as well. It works well to cure acne scars and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can leave it on overnight to detox your skin and improve blood circulation.

8. Olive Oil

Olive oil is known as one of the best acne miracle workers as it can help and repair scars due to its high source of vitamins E and V. It’s also packed with antioxidants that help kill free radicals and smooth irritation. Plus, it has anti-ageing and anti-bacterial properties, and helps to hydrate your skin, replenishing its natural oils.

9. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is praised for its anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. It kills bacteria and removes dirt and dead skin cells, and helps keep you skin at a normal pH level. Mix it with water to create a toner (use a higher ratio of water if you have sensitive skin) and apply it with a cotton pad to a clean face.

10. Egg Whites

Egg whites work as a mild astringent to help tone the skin. They also help cleanse your complexion by lifting dirt out of your pores and sucking up excess oil. The protein in the egg white prevents irritation and inflammation, and is overall an amazing way to heal and soothe your skin.

Unfortunately, there’s no all-for-one cure when it comes to treating acne, but these natural acne remedies have worked for others, and may just work for you too! Always make sure to try them out first before going all in, but after some trial and error, you’re sure to find something that works perfectly for you!


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