Caring For The Carer

If the recent health care environment has taught us anything, it’s that our health system relies heavily on home caregiving for those who are sick and dying. And while there are benefits to home care

Rethinking Pain Pills

No one has time for pain. Television commercials tell you to suppress your aches with a pill so you can get on with your busy life. But this quick-fix mentality could harm rather than help you. Ibupro

Cancer and Immunity

Over the past 10 years, a new class of drugs has revolutionized cancer care. These medications, known as checkpoint inhibitors, unleash an individual’s own immune system on malignant cells, offering n

Staying On Top Of Cancer Prevention

No one likes to think about cancer. But being proactive about cancer prevention and early detection could be lifesaving. “There’s a lot people can do to lower their risk of developing cancer, as well

Love by the Bagful

I have a chip problem. I try (sometimes weekly) to enter into a reasonable, long-term relationship with a family-sized bag of All-Dressed Ruffles. Yet, I find that after 20 minutes or so, it has alrea

Kind Is Beautiful

Even before COVID, a Statistics Canada survey reported that as many as 1.4 million elderly Canadians reported feeling lonely. COVID has only exacerbated this issue. But increased isolation is just one

Digging For The Roots Of Our Food

“Gardening is not a rational act.”—Margaret Atwood This land is strewn with the innards and skins of those who did not survive. I would weep, but for the fact of knowing that many more endured and lie

Changing Conditions

The term “pre-existing conditions” was arguably one of the most ominous buzz phrases of 2020. Chronic health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease—previously considered to be primarily

Detoxification For The Whole Person

As we mark a year of living with the tension and hypervigilance imposed upon us by the deadly pathogen called SARS-CoV-2, it may be the perfect time to detoxify, both mentally and physically. The term

Healthy Together

Come February, many of us rush to buy things to prove our affection to our partners. But what if, instead, you gift each other better health and a long-lasting togetherness? One becomes twoWhen we say

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