Fun At Home: 33 Budget-Friendly Hobby Ideas for Kids


33 Best Budget-Friendly Hobby Ideas for Kids | If you're looking for a list of hobbies for kids to encourage your little one to get off their electronics and pursue a new interest, we've got tons of fun and creative boys ideas and girls ideas to choose from! With a mix of cool indoor and outdoor activities your child can enjoy at home, these ideas are cheap, easy, and a great way to reduce stress and anxiety, develop problem-solving skills, encourage self-expression, and boost self-esteem!

If you’re looking for hobby ideas for kids, this post is for you!

When I was growing up, it was common for kids to have hobbies they pursued after school and on weekends. Whether it was collecting coins, stamps, or baseball cards, singing or playing a musical instrument, scrapbooking, writing short stories, reading, or playing a sport, most of us had at least one special interest we could get lost in for hours at a time, allowing us to unwind when we weren’t juggling school and household chores. Some of us lost interest in our hobbies in favour of new ones as we got older, but others carried their hobbies into adulthood, pursuing careers that allowed them to continue learning and exploring the things they love.

Today, things are a little different. We live in a day and age where we over-schedule ourselves and our children as much as possible, leaving us with very little downtime to explore special interests. And when we do have a little time to ourselves, our immediate reaction is to turn on the TV or reach for our smartphones, tablets, or computers. Rather than allowing our kids to feel bored and encouraging them to consider taking up a hobby, we lean on our digital devices because it feels like the easier option.

Of course, we don’t want our children to spend all of their free time on their electronics. I can’t tell you how much my mom friends and I express guilt over how much time our kids spend on their phones and tablets, but since we’re trying to juggle so many things ourselves, we simply don’t know how to find something else that will capture our child’s interest in the same way.

If you’re trying to encourage your little one to find and pursue new interests, I hope this list of budget-friendly hobby ideas for kids inspires you!

8 Reasons Hobbies Are Important for Kids

Hobbies are obviously a great way to ward off boredom and get kids away from their screens (unless their hobby involves coding or web design, of course!), but there are tons of other, not-so-obvious benefits to encouraging your child to pursue one or more of the hobby ideas for kids below. Engaging in a hobby on the regular:

  1. Allows kids to learn more about topics of interest
  2. Provides an opportunity for self-expression
  3. Boosts a child’s self-esteem
  4. Helps kids develop greater patience and self-discipline
  5. Offers children an outlet to unwind
  6. Reduces feelings of stress and anxiety
  7. Encourages kids to set and achieve goals
  8. Develops problem-solving skills

Many hobbies also turn into lifelong, fulfilling careers!

5 Ways to Help Your Child Find a Hobby

Our children watch our every move, so if you want to help your child find a hobby, it only makes sense that you pursue a hobby yourself. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through your Instagram feed at the end of a busy day and on weekends, spend that time working on your hobby and share your passion with your child. If you don’t currently have a hobby, now is the time to pick one up! Think back to the hobbies you had as a child, or challenge yourself to pursue an interest you’ve always wanted to try but never had the time for.

One of the mistakes parents often make when it comes to helping their child find a hobby is that they decide on their child’s hobbies for them. From ballet lessons, to little league, to piano, to photography, parents have a tendency to push their own interests onto their children, whether it’s so that they can share a common interest, or because they wish someone had encouraged them to pursue such a hobby when they were a child. While this is often done out of love, your child will be much more likely to enjoy and stick with a hobby if it’s something they enjoy.

Once your child has a list of things he or she enjoys and is interested in pursuing as a hobby, encourage him or her to give a few of them a try. Don’t be afraid to sign your little one up for a few trial classes as he or she explores different ideas, and try to remain positive and neutral. Even if you don’t particularly care for the hobby ideas for kids your child expresses an interest in, it’s important that you take the time to encourage him or her to pursue the things he or she enjoys. Take an active interest by asking questions and participating wherever possible so your child feels supported, and never put down or belittle the things he or she enjoys.

As your child gets into a new hobby, he or she will most likely run into roadblocks. Whether it’s finding a workaround to a problem, teaching them how to read directions, or helping them deal with a difficult teammate, remind your child that you are open and available to help out however you can. Offering support and guidance can go a long way in ensuring your child doesn’t give up on a hobby in the face of adversity, and will also provide opportunities for you to teach your little one how to persevere in the face of challenges.

There’s no denying that hobbies can be time-consuming, messy, and expensive, but if you want your child to find something he or she is passionate about, it’s important that you find ways to be as accommodating as possible. Whether it’s opting out of other extracurricular activities or social events so your child has time for his or her hobby, creating a dedicated space for your child’s hobby within your home, or finding creative ways to pay for the supplies and equipment your child needs, go the extra mile to make it happen.

33 Hobby Ideas for Kids

While sports are always a great way to keep kids active, many require equipment, traveling fees for competitions, etc. This list of hobby ideas for kids is budget-friendly, with options for things kids can do independently at home, in a group with friends, or online.

  1. Singing
  2. Drama
  3. Coding
  4. Cooking/Baking
  5. Knitting
  6. Quilting
  7. Crocheting
  8. Origami
  9. Woodworking
  10. Painting
  11. Creative Writing
  12. Ceramics
  13. Jewelry Making
  14. Model Making
  15. LEGO Building
  16. Puzzles
  17. Scrapbooking
  18. Needlepoint/Cross-Stitch
  19. Drawing
  20. Collecting (stamps, coins, rocks, comic books, crystals, etc.)
  21. Photography
  22. Gardening
  23. Animals (dog-walking, volunteering at a shelter, etc.)
  24. Astronomy
  25. Magic
  26. Bird Watching
  27. Hairstyling
  28. Makeup Artistry
  29. Stain Glass
  30. Hiking
  31. Rock Climbing
  32. Cake Decorating
  33. Geocaching

I hope this collection of hobby ideas for kids inspires you to help your little one find a hobby he or she can pursue after school and on weekends. Remember to avoid pushing your own interests on your child and to encourage him or her to explore many different activities to see what he or she likes. Offer help and guidance, be accommodating, and be a good role model!


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