40 Anxiety Tattoos to Give You Strength and Help You Cope


40 Anxiety Tattoos | If you're looking for meaningful tattoo ideas to raise mental health awareness and help you cope with the symptoms of anxiety, we've curated 40 beautiful designs to inspire you. Whether you're considering a semicolon tattoo, a 'breathe' or 'inhale exhale' tattoo, word tattoos like 'courage', 'fearless', and 'warrior', or mantras and quote tattoos, you can make each of these unique to you! Perfect for women and men, tattoo these on your wrist or forearm!40 Anxiety Tattoos | If you're looking for meaningful tattoo ideas to raise mental health awareness and help you cope with the symptoms of anxiety, we've curated 40 beautiful designs to inspire you. Whether you're considering a semicolon tattoo, a 'breathe' or 'inhale exhale' tattoo, word tattoos like 'courage', 'fearless', and 'warrior', or mantras and quote tattoos, you can make each of these unique to you! Perfect for women and men, tattoo these on your wrist or forearm!

When anxiety strikes, mantras can be extremely helpful in calming the physical symptoms of anxiety, keeping the mind focused and in the present, and challenging distorted thinking. Reciting things like ‘breathe’ and ‘inhale, exhale’ can prompt us to practice mindful breathing when our bodies become overwhelmed, and powerful words like ‘courage’, ‘fearless’, and ‘warrior’ can remind us that we’re stronger than we think in times of challenge. If you’re looking for anxiety tattoos to raise mental health awareness and help you cope with the symptoms of anxiety, we’ve curated 40 beautiful designs to inspire you below!

10 Semicolon Anxiety Tattoos

If you’re looking for anxiety tattoos, you’ve probably seen a lot of options with semicolons. Semicolon tattoos were inspired by Project Semicolon – a nonprofit organization dedicated to suicide prevention. Over time, the semicolon has been used to represent mental health awareness, including anxiety. If you’re looking for semicolon anxiety tattoos, here are some ideas to inspire you!

10 ‘Breathe’ & ‘Inhale, Exhale’ Anxiety Tattoos

When anxiety hits, our breathing patterns change. We begin taking short, fast, shallow breaths, which make the symptoms of anxiety worse. Mindful breathing – taking in a slow breath through the nose, holding the breath for a few seconds, then exhaling slowly through the mouth – can help ward of anxious feelings by giving us something else to focus on. Once our breathing has slowed down, we feel more calm.

Many people opt to tattoo the words ‘breathe’ or ‘inhale, exhale’ somewhere prominent on their bodies, like their inner wrist or the top of their hand, as a visual reminder to be more mindful of their breathing pattern when anxious thoughts and feelings arise. If you’re looking for anxiety tattoos to remind you to practice mindful breathing, these ideas are equal parts effective and beautiful!

10 One Word Anxiety Tattoos

Sometimes a powerful word is helpful in reminding us how strong we are when life gets challenging. Words like ‘courage’, ‘fearless’, and ‘warrior’ are popular anxiety mantras, and we’ve curated our favorite variations of each of these below.

10 Quote Anxiety Tattoos

If you’re looking for short sayings that can calm the physical symptoms of anxiety, keep your mind focused and in the present, and help you challenge distorted thinking, these anxiety quotes are worth considering!

I hope these anxiety tattoos help you find a symbol, word, mantra, or quote to help you shut down anxious thoughts when they arise. Breathe, stay focused, and remember: you are not your anxiety.


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